So quite a full ship set off on Saturday. Ian, Belinda, Eamonn and Antonia were all on board. The first *massive* disappointment came when we hoisted the mainsail. Or rather failed to. It doesn't fit ! We thought it was a bit big in the stackpack but I couldn't believe that when I got the sail all the way to the top that we still had 2/3 feet of sail left ! Not very good at all. Discussion with supplier ongoing...
With big head winds and a duff main we motored against some pretty fierce head winds up Southampton water - but once we turned the corner at Calshot we flew to Newtown Creek for lunch. Multiple slices of home baked cake kept the spirits up in lumpy conditions. Much tea was drunk. A short sail back across the Solent and an excellent (if I do say so myself) bit of parking and we were set for the night. So many crew really helps picking up fore and aft buoys.
The rain came down over night to wash of the salt of but dried up in the morning and with the winds switching back to the SW we sailed all the way home.
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